Gradient Learning teacher with students

Teachers, treat yourselves

As teachers prepare for the closing weeks of the school year, a top priority is ensuring that each student reaches their goals. But it’s also important for teachers to prioritize themselves during this busy—and joyful—time of year.

Here are five ways that teachers can focus on their own wellness so they can best help their students be at their best.

Treat yourself – Whether that’s a day with friends or a quick trip to a local coffee shop, taking a little bit of time to treat yourself can help you re-energize. We also encourage being active by taking a mindful walk! Walking meditation can heighten your awareness of your senses and your environment, helping you to focus and respond more intentionally at school and at home. No matter the activity or your budget, take the time to relax and enjoy something meaningful.

Seek support – We aren’t meant to do everything alone. Seeking support when you feel overwhelmed, tired, or just generally busy can help lighten your load. This can be helpful at home or at school. Remember, most people want to help—you just have to ask!

Remember your “why” – Remembering your “why” on hard or long days can help you recenter and refocus. Whatever your “why” is—getting to know students, affecting change, or brightening a child’s day—try to prioritize that feeling.

Take a break and set boundaries – While we know taking work home can sometimes be unavoidable, try setting boundaries around how much you take home. This includes the time that you actually stop working and start relaxing, or how much work you take on. Here are some tips to take a self-compassion break at school. Having compassion and patience for yourself allows you to have more compassion for other people.

Connect with your students! – Research shows that when we feel part of a community and connected to those around us, we feel happier. Sharing milestones, feelings, hobbies, or thoughts—big or small—with your students can build a culture of connection in your classroom. Along, a connection-builder that is offered by Gradient Learning, is a quick and free way to do that.

These five tips are meant to be lighthearted and fun ways to improve your wellbeing. However, if you need additional help, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

We hope these tips come in handy and can keep you feeling rested and ready to take on each school day.