The 2024 Gradient School Leader of the Year Award
After being humbled and honored to be one of the inaugural Gradient Learning School Leaders of the Year, Catherine Hunt eagerly awaits to see more of her colleagues recognized this year.
Hunt, the K-12 Principal of the Northport School District in Northport, Washington, said the key to being a successful leader in a community of learners is to simply be an active and authentic part of that community.
“A great school leader is one who listens, is present, and is genuine with students, parents, and staff,” said Hunt, who was honored last year alongside Chris Lin of Intrinsic Schools’ Belmont campus in Chicago. “It is of utmost importance to form and maintain relationships.”
Does that sound like someone in your school’s community? Nominations are open for the 2024 Gradient Learning School Leader of the Year!
This award honors principals and assistant principals from Summit Learning and Along partner schools who rethink, reimagine, and rebuild education by working together with their communities. These school leaders:
Foster a positive learning environment that empowers educators and staff to support their students;
Enable teachers to guide students to become their best selves by building ways for teachers to deeply know each student, and;
Enthusiastically lead the change in their communities by helping educators best serve students throughout their school journey.
Show your appreciation for a principal or assistant principal by nominating them for this award. We want to hear about those school leaders who are reimagining education and enabling teachers to guide students to become their best selves. Winners will be announced in the spring and include a cash prize.
Nominations will be accepted through February 16 using this form.